Saturday, April 25, 2020

Jennifer Nielsen Cover Reveal Trivia Question #8

I'm so excited to be a part of Jennifer Nielsen's Cover Reveal for her next historical novel. I met Jennifer at a writers retreat last year and she was so very lovely. She was so generous to uplift and educate us about writing and life as an author.

The best writing tip I learned from her that I use all the time now is to stretch my imagination by thinking of FIVE different possible answers to any question I might have. And to ask lots of questions about everything.

And speaking of questions . . . I have your next one!

Question #8

Which of these is NOT a known SOE weapon in disguise?

a. Exploding pen
b. Poisoned cakes
c. Exploding dead rat
d. Miniature folding motorbikes

Good luck!! Please comment below with your answer for your chance to win! (And THIS question only has one answer. . . ha!)

Use this link to answer the rest of the trivia questions and to see her new cover reveal!


  1. I think it was the poisoned cake.

  2. This one is tough! I think it is D, the folding motorbike!

  3. The answer is B, poisoned cakes

  4. I’m going to say B, poisoned cakes.

  5. All of them were used.Including poisoned linseed cakes which had anthrax in them.

  6. Answer B exploding cake
